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Keep exploring to find your inner discoverer!


We all have a discoverer in us that can help us move and interact with the world so that life has more meaning.

Living in a world that heavily emphasizes success, we can be so caught up in work, studies, developing the “right” appearance/style and obtaining material possessions that we forget what really gives us fulfilment. As a teen or youth, grades and getting into good schools can especially mean so much that our sole focus becomes doing what it takes to get those desired grades/internships/school placements.

While there’s nothing wrong in seeking success, does that really give us lasting joy, meaning or vitality in life? What actually makes a good life?

We may not have the ultimate answer to such questions, and we do not need to.

Oftentimes, unless we explore, we may not know what gives us meaning and joy in six months’ time, let alone six years’ time.

Our personal values come from our experience in the world. We need to harness the discoverer in us to explore our passions and strengths, as well as ways of living that are life-enhancing.

Where can we start exploring? Here are 6 places we can start exploring to discover our personal values:

  1. Helping others – What are some ways we can help others? It can be as simple as helping to buy lunch for a friend or colleague who’s busy with something.

  2. Being active – What physical activities interest you? Don’t go to the gym if you hate it! Find something you would look forward doing – perhaps taking walks? Perhaps a sport you played in the past?

  3. Connecting with others – When was the last time you had quality time with a friend or loved one? How did that make you feel?

  4. Caring for yourself – How can we nourish our souls and hearts?

  5. Taking on challenges – What are some challenges that you’ve been putting off? Perhaps decluttering your room? Swimming an extra lap? Trying a new hiking trail?

  6. Embracing the moment – find time to breathe and just notice. Do this once or twice a day and notice how that makes you feel.

Notice the verbs or action words above? Personal values will always just be words unless we take action. So harness your inner discoverer and get moving to find your valued life!

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